Let’s help launch Al McGregor’s new book:
Salvaged from the Ruins – A Novel of 1945. As One War Ends Another Begins.
Special price for book signing – $20 per book.
This is a hybrid event: Google Meet (zoom) AND in person! Arrive at the Archives at 6:45 p.m. for G&DHS business starting at 7:00 p.m. sharp.
Mr. McGregor’s in-person presentation starts at 7:30 p.m. Virtual attendees from afar can join any time after 7:00 p.m. (Be patient, it’s our first hybrid virtual event!)
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cxq-shst-twj
Or dial: (CA) +1 613-916-8239
PIN: 841 720 630#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/cxq-shst-twj?pin=4389306829783
Special book signing event price $20. This book is for readers who love their Canadian history served up with drama, great characters, and several intersecting storylines to keep things exciting. It’s hot off the press. Let’s help our local writer sell lots of copies.
Local author Al McGregor specializes in historical fiction. His books are based on the Canadian experience with an emphasis on Southwestern Ontario.
Salvaged from the Ruins is a story about the end of WWII when millions of refugees flood Europe – a time when compassion is another casualty of war. The story is set against the events of 1945 in Europe, Canada and the United States.
Conflict doesn’t end with surrender. The evidence is in the Ruins.
Wednesday, September 28th at the Archives, 178 McKellar St, Glencoe, ON N0L 1M0.