Jodie Aldred – Documenting Life on the Farm with a Camera and Drone

Jodie Aldred is a farm girl whose off-farm job is photography. Check out her Faces on Farms page and her Instagram page and another link.  Here is the Ag in the Classroom video she made for school kids with her Dad, Dug Aldred.
“I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize “YOLO” is still a trend. “You only live once.”
“So although it has taken a pandemic… I hope people including myself remind ourselves. Remind ourselves the hustle and bustle of everyday life, building a career, making money, socializing with friends… sometimes is worth pausing every once in a while. Hopefully next time you pause isn’t because a world pandemic forced you to. It’s because you truly are taking time to enjoy your family or those you care about. Because after all… you only live once. For Covid19’s gentle reminder of what matters…”